Are You Using Marketing Video And Animation The Right Way?

It’s important to stay up-to-date with new and innovative techniques on how businesses and creators are reaching their audiences. More and more often, internet users are looking for more engaging types of content to hold their attention. This is just one reason why video has become such a successful medium online and why you should be including videos in your online marketing. Here are a few more reasons to include videos and animations in your online marketing material.

  • New platforms, new audiences: If you’re skipping out on adding videos to your marketing techniques, you could be missing out on entire platforms where you can reach your audience. There are about 300 billion searches on YouTube monthly, and some of those searches could be coming from internet users looking for your content.
  • Simple solutions for everyone: Just about every business out there can make use of videos to communicate with your audience. Not every internet user will go out of their way to read an article about your idea, but plenty of people will watch a short, animated clip that communicates the same information. Simple whiteboard videos or sketch animations are entertaining and effective in reaching your audience, even if you don’t consider yourself someone who could use animated video.
  • Boost attention and retention: In the digital era, people are looking to browse their content quickly, which can lead to certain types of content getting looked over or not retaining users for very long. Videos, animations and simple whiteboard sketch animations are great for keeping people’s attention on your website and consuming more of your content.
  • Effective and efficient communication: Got a complicated idea, but not sure how to tell people about it? Simple graphic videos can be incredibly effective at clarifying complex ideas, products, or services and communicating those ideas quickly. Many people process information faster when it’s presented visually rather than verbally, helping you appeal to more people.