Art of Presentation: A Guide to Captivate Your Audience with Visuals
Presenting a complex topic often results in an audience with glazed -over expressions, or hours of agonizing preparation to avoid those blank stares. Preparation is essential and can be simplified when you know how to use visuals...
Why Hand-drawn Whiteboard Messages Are So Effective
HINT: Peripheral Vision, Dopamine, & constant motion! Check out the 90 second video below. In the video and this post, we explore how hand drawn whiteboard messages along with a dash of brain science can boost message engagement and retention. Tap into the brain’s...
How to Fast Forward Your Video to Completion
As a case study, brutalism helps us think about the value of simplicity in design. There’s a reason the style was popular, and might be coming back. You can communicate a lot of messages by employing simple visual design.
How Should We Understand Engagement vs. Retention?
A question, to set the tone: would you rather have wealth or fame? It’s not an uncommon question, and it seems easy—either one would be great. It’s actually easier than that since the two are fairly inextricable. The overused phrase “famous for being famous”...
Understanding Authenticity
We use real drawings and the artist’s real hand to create an authentic human connection that leads the viewer while supporting the message.
Breaking Down Silos to Unify and Profit
People talk a lot about the issues with a siloed work environment, but how bad is it really? Lost profits, customers, and employee engagement are pretty awful—and that’s not all silos can do to your business. Here are some tips on breaking them down!
Logos: Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Finest Branding
A logo gives fans a familiar symbol, allowing easy and definite linkage of albums and merchandise to the band. They fulfill a vital mnemonic and cultural purpose for all brands who use them. Read on!
Why Isn’t My Whiteboard Video Animated?
Why isn’t your whiteboard video animated? The short answer is that we want your video to be as effective as possible, and animation limits that.
Fall Video Marketing Trends
Sometimes it’s good to follow the crowd, and rarely is this more true than with successful marketing trends. As 2022 gets underway proper, those trends are providing some great guidance on how to reach your target audience, in the way they want to be reached.