Open Letter to Shareholders

Dear TruScribe Shareholders, Employees, Clients, and Friends,

Our journey over the past 14 years has been marked by significant achievements and valuable lessons. Our brand’s strength lies in our dedication to our customers. As Sam Walton wisely said, “The company has only one boss: The Customer.” Our commitment to delivering exceptional value continues to drive our success and growth.

One whiteboard video at a time, TruScribe continues to innovate and expand. Our mission remains clear: we draw words, ideas, and stories to change the way people see, think, feel, and act. This mission guides us as we navigate present challenges and embrace future opportunities. Amidst a challenging economy, election year uncertainty, and the evolving landscape of AI, TruScribe remains focused on making deeply human connections that explain, align, clarify, and inspire.

I am very grateful for your support of our company. You are vital to our success and enable us to continue innovating. Our illustrated storytelling is now embraced by more senior executives, communication, and public relation agencies than ever before. In 2023, we launched our Beyond the Whiteboard services, encompassing full-service video production, blended media solutions, and eLearning course development.

I am confident in our collective ability to achieve new heights and invite you to action today. Your belief in TruScribe and the communication challenges you entrust to us help our brands grow and allow us to achieve new milestones.

Together, we can illustrate a brighter future. Let’s embrace this opportunity to grow and succeed together.


Andrew James Herkert (AJ) 

CEO | Co-Founder 

The TruScribe Team