by Andrew Herkert | Mar 3, 2022 | Scribology, Whiteboard Video
At TruScribe, we’re almost always engaged in a discussion of our design principles. Whether it’s with each other, reminding ourselves of the best ways to communicate a message, or helping a client zero in on the best design choices for their video, Scribology is our...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 13, 2022 | Content Trends, Human Resources, Training & Development, Whiteboard Video
Accepting the framework of developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, Whitby blogger Sarah Mead identifies seven styles of learning, and points out that “Education has traditionally been focused around linguistic and logical-mathematical learning styles,” while...
by Andrew Herkert | Sep 17, 2020 | Whiteboard Video
Often when TruScribe produces a whiteboard video, we’re asked by clients about our use of color. Do we use many colors? Why is there so much black and white? And if we only use one color, well… why? First, the amount of colors a client wants in their...