Our Services for Your Message

Our recipe for highly effective illustrated communication has simple ingredients. Best of all, we share the recipe! Over the past 12 years we’ve exchanged ideas and experiences across every corporate discipline, in virtually every type of industry. Together we’ll craft a unique solution to your challenge.

How can we help?

Strategy & Ideas


Our content experts help you communicate the strategy and ideas that inspire action across your organization. We’ll align teams by explaining the relevance of a strategy or goal, the relationship between components and the dynamics that must occur for success.

Change Management

We’ll engage your team in any challenge by clearly communicating expectations and providing a handle for them to grab hold of the change. They’ll know what, why and how to deliver!

Training Design & Development


Illustrated learning content is the next big thing driving learner engagement and retention. Animation, Illustration and video is a distinctly human communication that invites learners, through brain science and mixed media, to be part of the story.

Virtual & In-Person

Rivet attention to your next in-person or virtual training. Live hand-drawn illustrations will captivate your audience. No need for clipart, PowerPoint animation or stock photos.

Event Communications

General Session

Looking for a unique opening to your event? Tell an illustrated story that sets the tone and network of conversation. A powerful, memorable, 1-2 minute video will entertain and engage audiences of 15 to 1,500.


Illustrated discussion is a catalyst for conversation, clarity, and collaboration. Graphic recording creates a visual summary of the discussion. The images foster deeper discussion and facilitate sharing with those not at the event.


Our eye-catching style is perfect for grabbing attention at shows. Attendees visit booths using a glance-and-grab strategy. Our 30 second videos fit that strategy and draw people to your booth and your bigger story.

Media Production

Web Recorded Interviews

There are times when an audience needs the presence and voice of an authority. We’ve developed a strategy for recording interviews over Zoom that maximize impact by combining them with whiteboard illustration.

On Location Shooting

We’re finding many messages benefit from a blend of illustration and recorded video demonstration. We’ll source local crews or travel our award winning teams to capture the action that matters.


Have footage of your own? Wonderful! Our expert editors will masterfully weave it into a more compelling finished product by adding illustration.

Scripting & Script Assistance

You can provide us with a script, ask us for editorial assistance or engage our copywriters to compose one. We work from drafts, outlines, presentations, conversations, or source materials.


A simple, perfect illustration will elevate your message on a key presentation slide, in a marketing campaign or sales support tool. Our artists will reflect your brand, underscore your message, and boost retention.