Free Whiteboard Videos for Your Social Good Organization

Scribe for Action 2020

At TruScribe, we see our whiteboard video services as a way to improve how the world communicates and listens. We take great satisfaction in our clients’ reports that our videos have made their messaging easier and more effective.

Through our Scribe for Action program, we apply our philosophy to a different sector of the ideas marketplace. Since 2014, Scribe for Action has partnered with nonprofit, social good organizations to create free whiteboard videos.

We know that nonprofits often have budgetary or financial restrictions that hinder their operations. Scribe for Action aims to alleviate this difficulty by providing a whiteboard video to nonprofit organizations without charge.  It is our hope that a pro bono whiteboard video can make a positive difference in the communication and messaging of these organization.

Our program involves an application and selection process that allows us to select four nonprofit partners per year.

What do Scribe for Action Partners Receive?

Every applicant to the Scribe for Action program will receive a free, 3-month subscription to Squigl, our whiteboard video software partner. Take a look at a sample Squigl video and imaging the possibilities for your organization.

Our selected partners receive a high-quality, engaging, clickable, and shareable two-minute whiteboard video, all for free. 

If you’re unsure about what a TruScribe whiteboard video entails, take a look. When hand-drawn images meet a voiced script, engagement and retention in your audience spike.  

The Scribe for Action partnership includes access to our full production process, with guidance every step of the way.

Not sure of the best way to put your thoughts into words?

Our copywriters will provide script writing services to focus and sharpen your message.  

Got a voice in mind to read your script?

Great! We’d be happy to use it. If not, we’ll provide you with audio samples to help you select the perfect voice from our partner talent agency.

Scribe for Action also includes the digital accent color that’ll drive focus and engagement in your video, and our own branded marker that our artist will hold as they draw your images.  

If you’re a member of a nonprofit and feel your organization could use a boost in its messaging and communications, consider applying for a Scribe for Action partnership with TruScribe.

Spring 2020 applications are open from Monday, March 2nd through Wednesday, April 15th, 2020.

If you aren’t ready to apply yet, you can enter your information at the bottom of this post to stay updated on the program.

We accept two partners from each of our two application cycles (fall and spring).

What kind of whiteboard video can an organization create?

For the best results, we recommend that our Scribe for Action partners work towards creating videos that can be ‘evergreen.’ Mission statements, goals, methods, messages to clients or donors—videos on topics like these tend to be rewatched in perpetuity. 

This is not to say that we won’t work with Scribe for Action partners to create the video they want and need—if a partner needs a video to promote a major event or initiative, TruScribe will gladly participate. It’s always up to the Scribe for Action partner how they want to use the video. We simply want to ensure that our partners get the highest possible value and utility from their Scribe for Action video.

What have some of the past Scribe for Action videos looked like?

East Village Youth Program’s 2015 video is great explanation of the organization’s mission, goals, and method. Viewers learn about the lifelong benefits of continued education, the history of the East Village Youth Program, the organization’s current size, educational resources and tutoring, and non-academic services. In the end, the viewer is guided to their website, where application materials for the organization are available.

Global Oncology’s 2017 Scribe for Action video masterfully combined crucial information and a call to action. First, the viewer learns how difficult surviving cancer can be in resource-poor nations. Next, the viewer discovers what Global Oncology’s mission is—to share research, treatment, education and more with the countries that experience 70% of the world’s cancer deaths. After more specificity on Global Oncology’s methods and effectiveness, the video ends with a call to action—go to their website to donate to the organization today.

Food for Free’s 2015 Scribe for Action video contained a similarly evergreen series of points. Viewers learn how many Americans suffer from hunger, and how much food waste remains a social, economic, and environmental problem. Then, Food for Free describes its mission and its 35 year history of rescuing and distributing would-be food waste in and around Boston. Finally, a call to action: visit their website to learn more, volunteer, or donate.

Why partner with TruScribe?

We know that financial constraints can be incapacitating for non-profit organizations. That’s why we want to help. The Scribe for Action program allows TruScribe to partner with nonprofits and social good organizations to offer free whiteboard videos to circumvent their constraints and amplify their important ideas.

When forward-thinking messages of health, charity, and caring are promoted, the benefits are felt universally. We’re proud to turn our skills to amplifying forward-thinking messages. Sign up for notifications on the program, and apply today.

We’re excited to see what our celebrated whiteboard video services can do for your organization.

TruScribe’s mission is “To draw words, ideas and stories to change how people see, think, and act.” This mission statement doesn’t just outline the kind of business we do—it describes the kind of world we want to work towards creating.

Sign up to stay up to date on the Scribe for Action.