by Andrew Herkert | Mar 30, 2022 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, External Communications, News, Visual Storytelling
Like seemingly everything during the pandemic, visual storytelling has required modulation and caution to continue to function as usual. Most long-term emergencies have this effect—with the gravity of the situation comes a new standard for what is appropriate...
by Andrew Herkert | Mar 24, 2022 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, External Communications, Products and Services, Visual Storytelling
The term ‘post-COVID’ is as appealing as it is tenuous. We all see and recognize signs of returning to business as usual, even as we’re confronted by other indications that the pandemic is not truly in our rear-view. Content marketing strategies, however,...
by Andrew Herkert | Mar 10, 2022 | News, Visual Storytelling
Wars don’t do well in photographs. It’s hard to add nationalism or glory to a burned-out building, and a pickup truck shelled into oblivion doesn’t send an uplifting message. This is part of the reason why the Vietnam War ended when it did: TV cameras kept...
by Andrew Herkert | Mar 8, 2022 | Content Trends, External Communications, News, Visual Storytelling
Visual storytelling at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing has had quite a job in front of it. The last few years have been taxing at best and crushing at worst, and political divides have added more difficulty to the Beijing Olympics. So how have promoters...
by Andrew Herkert | Feb 10, 2022 | Scribology, Visual Storytelling, Whiteboard Video
While the amount of time between today and Tenet’s release feels enormous, in truth it’s only been a little over a year since its US release. While the film may not have gained cult status yet—which is nigh impossible in so short a timeframe—it remains a...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 27, 2022 | Scribology, Visual Storytelling, Whiteboard Video
There’s something particularly arresting about drone photography that is absolutely on display in the 2021 Drone Photo Awards, fifteen entries of which are showcased by CNN here. I think the singular magic of the technique is its ability to change how we think...