by Andrew Herkert | Jan 18, 2022 | Scribology, Visual Storytelling, Whiteboard Video
When you come to TruScribe, we don’t expect you to know everything about whiteboard video. All we ask is a chance to tell your story for you, in the best way we know—and that way is whiteboard. This means that we expect to get questions from our clients...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 6, 2022 | Content Trends, External Communications, Products and Services, Visual Storytelling
Storytelling is, quite simply, a fundamental part of the human experience. We rely on storytelling to relay information, to entertain ourselves, and to make sense of our experiences and our history. The entertainment aspect of storytelling often comes...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 4, 2022 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, External Communications, Products and Services, Visual Storytelling, Whiteboard Video
“Consuming is an experience, and we must design with this in mind,” asserts Alisa Taylor for Vectornator, and while her specific discussion of this truth comes up in the interactive design portion of her piece, one could argue that it applies throughout usage of...
by Andrew Herkert | Nov 12, 2021 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, News, Scribology, Visual Storytelling
The critics need you to know that Dune is big. Jackson Piercy calls it “massive in pure scale and in box office revenue” and Manohla Dargis calls it a “work on a large scale” and extols the “monumentality of [Director Denis] Villeneuve’s world building.” ...
by Andrew Herkert | Oct 28, 2021 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, Creativity in Business, News, Scribology, Visual Storytelling
The meteoric success of “Squid Game” is unparalleled in quite a few ways. Netflix is certainly happy with it—“It’s only been out for nine days, and it’s a very good chance it’s going to be our biggest show ever,” NBC quoted the streaming platforms co-CEO Ted...
by Andrew Herkert | Sep 16, 2021 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, Creativity in Business, Sales, Visual Storytelling
In conversation, we regularly use expressions without really knowing their origins. “That’s the ticket,” “put your foot in your mouth,” “bite the bullet”—researching the meanings and origins of these and others can sometimes provide surprising revelations. ...