by Andrew Herkert | Mar 31, 2015 | Video Software, Whiteboard Video
There’s no doubt that whiteboard video is a popular video type for training. You’ve likely seen it, used it, or maybe your team has even created one. Whiteboard videos provide a highly engaging and effective video format for transferring knowledge from the expert to...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 2, 2015 | Whiteboard Video
For over thirty years, Weird Al Yankovic has been pointing a funhouse mirror at popular culture. His 2014 album, “Mandatory Fun” proves that out. When Al Yankovic asked TruScribe to point that goofy mirror at our own industry with a whiteboard...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 2, 2015 | Content Trends, Scribology, Training & Development, Whiteboard Video
Surprise your learners with TruScribe training videos — a learning method that really works Wouldn’t it be great if you could just pour knowledge directly into employees’ heads? Because when it comes to training, providing the information is the easy part. What’s...
by Andrew Herkert | Sep 16, 2013 | Whiteboard Video
Dopamine! It’s not just for breakfast anymore. Technically, you eat it with every meal. You invite it along when you go shopping, it’s with you when you’re having sex, when you’re handing in a completed project, and it plays a supporting role in the hit AMC series,...
by Andrew Herkert | Nov 16, 2012 | Whiteboard Video
One of the toughest life stages a person faces is when a family member is ailing. Yet those times also can provide memorable interactions and stories that beg to be remembered. Back in 2012, we teamed up Blank on Blank to show you how a precious moment with a loved...
by Andrew Herkert | Nov 15, 2012 | Whiteboard Video
These days, nearly every successful business has integrated video into its website presence. Obviously we love creating video that helps our clients drive traffic, engage viewers, and share their message. While hand drawn videos using our Scribology™ style can be...