A Roundup of Drawing in the News

Drawing in the News

Visual communication has existed since long before the Internet – scientists estimate some symbols etched in the walls of caves have existed for 30000+ years. The seeds of what we now call animation were planted in 1833, when the phénakisticope was introduced.

Soon after that, the zoetrope and the flipbook were invented.

Concurrently, drawing was emerging as a form of communicating both artistic ideas and scientific concepts.

Suffice to say, if the Internet existed in the 1800s, Galileo’s telescopic drawings definitely would have trended on Twitter.

Are we saying visual communication has been a hot topic since the dawn of time? Yep, basically.

Here at TruScribe, we’ve always been pretty fascinated with drawing in all of its forms- on and off the whiteboard. (Check out our Instagram feed for proof!) and we thought we’d aggregate some of the latest news on the subject. 

Drawing + Innovation = Educating Kids for the Job Market of the Future

Global 3D printing phenoms at MakerBot set students and teachers up for 21st century success by launching SKETCH classrooms. These classrooms are a unique hybrid of STEM concepts and drawing. Providing everything from training and curriculum to full-on certification, the innovative classrooms also teach design thinking and problem-solving skills to over 7000 classrooms across the United States. 

Spreading Positivity with a Little Chalk and a Lot of Creativity

College can be pretty stressful. College at one of the most rigorous technology institutes in the world? Even more so. A highly visible chalkboard in MIT’s Ray and Maria Stata Center showcases student’s solution for destressing, adding a little inspiration to daily life, and infusing a day of hard work and education with creativity. Check out their Chalk of the Day phenomenon

A Rosette By Any Other Name

The stark mugshot of Rosette Duccinni Davie is running rampant on social media – but not because of a recent crime. This photo from the 40s has spawned a trend – the #Rosette challenge, inspiring countless artists and even an upcoming zine.

From Debate Stage to Cartoon Page

Much like its live-action cousin, sketch comedy, a recognizable drawn caricature of a political figure is nuanced, tricky, and walks a fine line between reality and satire. Read this article to see how the experts balance punditry and artistry in political cartooning

Never Too Early to Start Exploring Your Passion

Musical wunderkind and Grammy darling Billie Eilish handpicked the artist whose hand-drawn portrait of Eilish will grace the cover of Vogue’s March issue. 16-year-old Nastya Kovtun, from Chaytovsky, Russia, thought she was being pranked when she got the news

Botanical Illustrator: A Job Description Teetering on the Brink of Extinction

In this Washington Post profile, check out the rare but essential profession that catalogs the plants and flowers of the world in drawings. Though the taxonomy of plants is now beginning at a tiny molecular level, it’s still crucial that someone draws them in their finished form. 

The Best New York Times Illustrations from 2019

Looking for some illustration inspiration? The New York Times has compiled an impressive wrap-up of illustrations that stood out from the pages of 2019. These run the gamut from whimsical drawings accompanying opinion pieces to stark depictions of more serious newsworthy matters. Insight from the illustrators and a sneak peek of what’s to come in 2020 are also within this piece. 

Even Bad Drawing makes for Good News

This news story originated a stone’s throw from TruScribe HQ, and grabbed national attention for its adorable audacity. The Wisconsin Humane Society has raised over $8k by trading admittedly “bad” drawings of your pet in exchange for a $15+ donation. 

In other bad drawing news, a case of life imitating art led to one woman getting over 100k upvotes on Reddit courtesy of her hilarious recreation of a childhood portrait by her now-grown daughter. 

Drawing on Nostalgia

These last few stories are all connected by a common thread – they remind us of childhood favorites. Ever been frustrated by the propensity of an Etch-a-Sketch to be all corners and edges? You will be thrilled to hear that they’re celebrating 60 years in business by releasing an Etch-a-Sketch that can draw a perfect circle. And when it comes to following your dreams, this story comes full circle. An artist responsible for decades worth of drawings for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise is reinvigorating his creativity by following his dream of becoming a tattoo artist. 

Got any cool stories on art, drawing, or illustration in the news? Please feel free to send them our way!