Understanding Authenticity
We use real drawings and the artist’s real hand to create an authentic human connection that leads the viewer while supporting the message.
Breaking Down Silos to Unify and Profit
People talk a lot about the issues with a siloed work environment, but how bad is it really? Lost profits, customers, and employee engagement are pretty awful—and that’s not all silos can do to your business. Here are some tips on breaking them down!
Logos: Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Finest Branding
A logo gives fans a familiar symbol, allowing easy and definite linkage of albums and merchandise to the band. They fulfill a vital mnemonic and cultural purpose for all brands who use them. Read on!
Why Isn’t My Whiteboard Video Animated?
Why isn’t your whiteboard video animated? The short answer is that we want your video to be as effective as possible, and animation limits that.
Fall Video Marketing Trends
Sometimes it’s good to follow the crowd, and rarely is this more true than with successful marketing trends. As 2022 gets underway proper, those trends are providing some great guidance on how to reach your target audience, in the way they want to be reached.
How To Make A Corporate Video Series In 2025
When TruScribe and other video content creators talk about a corporate video series, we’re not referring to a series of Hollywood films, or a television program. A corporate video series is a different type of content, with different potential audiences and...
Visuals: Driving Beliefs and Myths
Why do people believe weird stuff? Is it an innate trait? Is it learned—nurtured by life events that, over time, create an intensely skeptical (or perhaps intensely credulous) mind? Or is something else at play?
The Process of Creativity and Innovation
The process of creativity and innovation can be learned and applied to every aspect of your business. These tips will help your team grow and innovate.
Metaphors and More: How Image Types Affect a Script
While there are few “never” situations with imagery, today we look at these types of visuals as they affect a script—the same script.