Video Scribing – Perfect Content for Mobile Marketing
Updated April 2019
It isn’t just “kids these days” that have their noses buried in their mobile devices. Smartphone penetration around the world has never been higher, which has resulted in the tremendous growth of video content as an effective mobile marketing strategy.
A majority of US mobile subscribers owned smartphones – 77% of U.S. adults, up from 47.8% in December 2011. In 2019, there are over 2.5 billion smartphone users worldwide and 95% of Americans own a cell phone of some kind.
Even more intriguing is the increase in mobile device usage amongst key marketing demographics. Smartphone penetration is slightly higher amongst female users than with male subscribers, while more than 89% of members of the retail-friendly “25-34 year old” age bracket own and use at least one smartphone.
What does this mean for your business?
It’s worth noting that there are no existing segments in which smartphone usage is in decline. Data-enabled device penetration is growing – across genders, age groups, ethnicities and countries – and there’s no evidence that these trends will be reversing any time soon.
As a result, consumers are using their smartphones for more activities than ever, including the newly heralded “voice search revolution”.
People use their smartphones to kill time with entertaining games, to answer questions on the fly, to research future purchase decisions (and even execute these choices while on-the-go), and much, much more.
This enormous amount of engagement means that if your company doesn’t have a mobile marketing plan in place, you’re missing out on a key opportunity to reach your target customers!
It’s probably no big surprise that we at TruScribe are fond of video when it comes to potential opportunities to capitalize on smartphone engagement. But believe us – there’s a method to our madness…
Further data shows that more than 75% of digital video viewers watched content on mobile devices in 2018.
With these statistics in mind, it’s easy to see how developing and launching videos for consumption on mobile devices represents an important opportunity to reach prospective customers.
However, it’s also important to keep in mind that not all videos or video styles are well-suited for smartphone viewing. Highly-detailed, cinematography-intensive videos, for example, tend to lose their luster when viewed on the tiny screens of most mobile devices. At the same time, given the data costs that are sometimes involved in streaming video content, it’s also true that mobile videos must be extremely engaging in order to justify the possible expense.
Whiteboard scribing videos represent the perfect solution to these dilemmas. The clean contrast of a whiteboard and its drawing instruments makes these types of videos watchable on even the smallest of screens. In addition, the use of intriguing stories created through hand-drawn graphics and spoken words make whiteboard animation videos videos a particularly compelling type of mobile marketing content.