by Andrew Herkert | Jun 19, 2020 | Whiteboard Video
5 ways to Incorporate Creative Content into L&D You know the Learning and Development team plays a vital role. They’re intrinsic when it comes to attracting a prospective employee, retaining that employee and keeping them actively motivated and engaged. They’re a...
by Andrew Herkert | Jun 18, 2020 | Whiteboard Video
In our continuing series of Profiles in Communication, we look for masters of visual storytelling and crafting messages. So far, we’ve looked at creators whose work spanned decades, and whose output created a clear roadmap of their style and design preferences over...
by Andrew Herkert | Jun 16, 2020 | Whiteboard Video
“I’m a yarn teller. My job is to engage you as much as I can and as often as I can.” This simple declaration of intent comes from the brilliant Ridley Scott, long celebrated as one of Hollywood’s premier directors. From extraterrestrial terror to fantasy to...
by Andrew Herkert | Jun 12, 2020 | Whiteboard Video
That title really says it all. We often think of innovation in tangible terms. A product with the latest technology is highly innovative. An innovator is someone with a seat at the table at a Fortune 500 company responsible for delivering millions of dollars of...
by Andrew Herkert | Jun 3, 2020 | Whiteboard Video
A Powerful Case Study in Visual Messaging In 1942, the makeup and goals of the American workforce were undergoing a change unlike anything seen since perhaps World War I. American men were absent from their production and assembly jobs as they fought to defeat...
by Andrew Herkert | May 28, 2020 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, Whiteboard Video
If you’re thinking that video is a part of everything these days, well, you’re right. Video has been, and will continue to be, immensely popular; YouTube would not be the world’s second largest search engine if this weren’t so. So how does video fit into sales? What...