by Andrew Herkert | Feb 14, 2019 | Whiteboard Video
These days, we’re bombarded by countless distractions during every waking hour. It’s easy to get distracted by breaking news alerts. And it’s tempting to spend hours grazing social media sites. But once a year on Valentine’s Day, we have the opportunity to step back...
by Andrew Herkert | Feb 7, 2019 | Whiteboard Video
Love ‘em or hate ‘em (much like your favorite football team or the rival team you despise) Super Bowl Ads are a perennial barometer of our nation’s collective zeitgeist. Since a single 30-second ad placement can cost five million dollars, you can bet there’s a lot of...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 29, 2019 | News
We all outgrow…into things. Children outgrow their clothes, teenagers – hugs in front of friends, adults – the home they grew up in, college habits, and so on. At some point, we start growing into things. We grow into our careers, the families we create,...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 17, 2019 | News
The word “change” is simultaneously a buzzword, a pivotal idea and a fact of life. Change can be fluid, signaling a shift in focus or energy. Change is informative- no matter the change, typically everyone learns something from it, whether it be about a topic or...
by Andrew Herkert | Jan 16, 2018 | Whiteboard Video
Where do new ideas get legs? The Whiteboard. Recent years have shown, however, that the many divides of the business landscape across verticals and disciplines are indeed being bridged. The silos are coming down. In 2017 alone, we saw marketing and product teams...