by Andrew Herkert | May 10, 2022 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, External Communications, Visual Storytelling, Whiteboard Video
I think it’s pretty common for people to think of video—and certainly cinema—as considerably older than it is. We can trace the first ‘films’ to the 1890’s, but even this timeline is absolutely tiny compared to the lifespan of so many other forms of media. Opening...
by Andrew Herkert | May 5, 2022 | Content Trends, External Communications, Products and Services, Whiteboard Video
There are few topics that matter more to people than their finances, and it’s no mystery why. Yet despite the importance of financial security, many of us struggle to understand the intricacies of our finances, and as CNBC reported in 2018, avoid the topic with...
by Andrew Herkert | May 3, 2022 | Content Trends, External Communications, Products and Services
There’s no denying that selling a complex product can be daunting. True, consumers are more and more in touch with the digital, interwoven world; that doesn’t change the fact that almost every company selling ‘complicated’ products is certain to have its...
by Andrew Herkert | Apr 21, 2022 | Content Trends, External Communications, Internal Communications, Visual Storytelling
What would it mean to tell a story without data? Immediately, we might think of a story that had nothing but emotions, or colors, or some other intangible concept that didn’t seem to merit the term ‘data.’ This definition, however, could use some...
by Andrew Herkert | Apr 7, 2022 | Content Trends, External Communications, Products and Services, Sales
Imagine a world where it’s five to six times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. Now imagine this expense (and effort) increasing dramatically as more and more brands crowd an increasingly competitive market. Imagining...
by Andrew Herkert | Mar 30, 2022 | Content Marketing, Content Trends, External Communications, News, Visual Storytelling
Like seemingly everything during the pandemic, visual storytelling has required modulation and caution to continue to function as usual. Most long-term emergencies have this effect—with the gravity of the situation comes a new standard for what is appropriate...