
B2B Video Marketing: 7 Trends to Try Now!

B2B Video Marketing: 7 Trends to Try Now!

As video marketing has emerged as the leader of the content marketing pack, it can be cumbersome to keep up with current trends, not to mention expensive and time-consuming to deliver loads of video. The good news? You can keep it simple and still succeed. Take our advice, and you’ll be ditching antiquated talking head videos for fresh new video in no time.

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7 Video Types that will Overhaul your Content Marketing

7 Video Types that will Overhaul your Content Marketing

Trying to create a content marketing strategy without using video nowadays is like trying to cross a river without a floating device. You might be able to do it, but the chances are you will arrive exhausted, frustrated, and wet. Here is a guide that will help you choose the right video to cross that river, depending on which stage of the buyer’s journey you are trying to impact.

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