Will Videos Replace Blogs?
Whenever any new technology enters the market and becomes widely adopted, it’s met with a chorus of questions about whether or not the preceding era’s devices will continue to retain market share. In some situations – as in the case of the ill-fated 8-track tape –...
Video Scribing Success Story: Robbins Brothers
We’ve all been there…accused of not listening to our significant others for one reason or another and immediately put in the dog house because of it. And though it is important to truly listen all the time (right, ladies?), it is particularly imperative to pay...
Whiteboard Videos – A Great Teaching Tool
One of the greatest aspects of the growth of the modern internet has been the democratization of vast amounts of knowledge. If you’re interested in learning how to complete simple tasks, you can bet there’s a “how to” article out there that will meet your needs. On...
Top 5 Ways Your Company Can Benefit from Whiteboard Animation
When it comes to getting your message across to a target group of consumers, you’ve got tons of options. You can publish press releases, deploy blog posts, create infographics and post video content to YouTube. One technique that has become more widely used over the...
Video Scribing – Perfect Content for Mobile Marketing
Updated April 2019 It isn’t just “kids these days” that have their noses buried in their mobile devices. Smartphone penetration around the world has never been higher, which has resulted in the tremendous growth of video content as an effective mobile marketing...
Video Scribing Success Story: Spartan Race
Many of us face difficult obstacles every day that we have to overcome. But do yours challenge you mentally and physically? After working with Spartan Race, we have a new definition of what an obstacle actually entails. Are you Spartan tough? Voted the best obstacle...
Video Scribing Success Story: British Airline Pilots Association
TruScribe provides a unique way of spreading your message, whether it’s to an audience as small as your start-up business or as big as an entire nation. British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) utilized TruScribe’s video scribing in 2012 to educate about a UK...
How to Increase Your Website Traffic With Whiteboard Video Scribing
Now that you have created a great new whiteboard video, the next step is to help people find it online. There are many ways to do that, but three of the best channels are YouTube, your website/blog and other social networks. Working together, and using the following...